Insomnia or sleeplessness has assumed alarming proportions in present times, especially
among the upper classes in urban areas. This is evident from the wide range of medication for
this condition prescribed by physicians and sold by chemists. Instances of persons taking an
overdose of sleeping pills with fatal results are quite frequent. Insomnia deprives a person of
mental rest and thereby interferes with his activities in the daytime. It constitutes a severe health
hazard when it becomes a habit.
Sleep is a periodic state of rest for the body which is absolutely essential for its efficient
functioning. Sleep gives relief from tension, rests the brain and body and a person wakes up in
the morning fresh and relaxed after sleep. The amount of sleep, however, varies within very
wide limits from individual to individual. Normally, seven to eight hours of sleep every night is
adequate for most people. Some, however, do well with four to five hours because their sleep is
deeper and more refreshing.
Insomnia is common among the elderly for a variety of reasons. The sleep of the elderly is often
punctuated by brief periods of wakefulness during the night. IN such cases it is the quality rather
than the quantity which is most affected. With age, there is gradual reduction of periods of deep
sleep. The older person, therefore, gets roused easier. Sleep requirements also diminish with
ageing. From nine hours of sleep per night at the age of 12 the average sleep needs decrease to
eight hours at the age of 20 , seven hours at 40 , six and half hours at 60 and six hours at 80.
The signs of pathological insomnia are dramatic changes in the duration and quality of sleep,
persistent changes in sleep patterns, lapses of memory and lack of concentration during the day.
Other symptoms are emotional instability, loss of coordination, confusion and a lingering feeling
of indifference.
The most common cause of sleeplessness is mental tension brought about by anxiety, worries,
overwork and overexcitement. Suppressed feelings of resentment, anger and bitterness may
also cause insominia. Constipation, dyspepsia, over-eating at night, excessive intake of tea or
coffee and going to bed hungry are among the other causes. Smoking is another unsuspected
cause of insomnia as it irritates the nervous system, especially the nerves of the digestive
system. Often, worrying about falling asleep is enough to keep one awake.
The Cure
Sleeping pills are no remedy for sleeplessness. They are habit forming and become less
effective when taken continuously. They lower the I.Q., dull the brain and can prove fatal if taken
in excess or before or after alcohol. The side-effects of sleeping pills include indigestion, skin
rashes, lowered resistance to infection, circulatory and respiratory problems, poor appetite, high
blood pressure, kidney and liver problems and mental confusion.
To overcome the problem, one should adhere to a regular sleeping schedule, going to bed at a
fixed time each night and getting up at a fixed time each morning. Early to bed and early to rise
is a good rule. Two hours of sleep before midnight are more beneficial than four after. It is sheer
folly for students, at examination times, to keep awake till long after midnight, drinking one cup of
tea after another, as that is only apt to cause blackness and inability to concentrate in the
examination hall.
Research has shown that people with chronic insomnia almost invariably marked deficiencies of
such key nutrients as B-complex vitamins, and vitamin C and D as also calcium,magnesium,
manganese, potassium and zinc. The sleep mechanism is unable to function efficiently unless
each of these nutrients is present in adequate amounts in the diet.
A balanced diet with simple modifications in the eating pattern will go a long way in the treatment
and cure of insominia. Such a diet should exclude white flour products, sugar and its products,
tea ,coffee, chocolate, cola drinks, alcohol, fatty foods, fried foods, foods containing additives,
that is chemicals for preserving, colouring and flavouring, excessive use of salt and strong
In the modified eating pattern, breakfast should consist of fresh and dried fruits, whole cereals,
seeds and yogurt. Of the two main meals, one should consist of a large mixed salad and the
other should be protein-based. A cup of milk sweetened with honey at bedtime is helpful as the
amino-acid tryptophan contained in milk induces sleep.
Sleep is often elusive. Any attempt to force it only drives it further away. It is better to divert the
mind with soft music or light reading. While going to bed, visualise a blank black wall occupying
the entire field of vision. Turn your thoughts to light and cheerful matters. Use light bed clothes
and relax. Do not lie on your back, put on your side with one or both knees brought well up and
the head and shoulders slightly forward. During the night, the position of the arms and legs
should be changed frequently and a healthy sleeper usually shifts from one side to the other
several times in the course of the night.
Controlled breathing is also a great help in inducing sleep. The method is to lie on your side in
bed, and then take three deep breaths expanding the abdomen completely. Then hold your
brath as long as you can. Next, take three more breaths and repeat the breath-holding. While
you hold your breath, carbon dioxide accumulates in the body and induces natural sleep.
Regular, active exercising during the day and mild exercise at bedtime enhances the quantity
and the quality of sleep. Exercise stimulates the elimination of lactic acid from the body which
correlates with stress and muscular tension. Regular exercise also produces hormonal changes
which are beneficial to the body and to the sleep pattern. Walking, jogging, skipping, swimming
are all ideal exercises. Vigorous exercise should, however, be avoided at night as this can be
Yoga helps a majority of cases of insomnia in two ways. Firstly, yoga treatment helps tone up
the glandular, respiratory and nervous system. Secondly, yoga also gives physical and mental
relaxation as a safety value for one’s disturbing problems. The traditional yogasanas which are
effective for insomnia patients are shirsana, sarvangasana, paschimottanasana,
uttanasan,viparitakarni and shavasana.
Hydrotherapy is also effective in treatment of insomnia. Application of hot packs to the spine
before retiring, hot fomentation to the spine , hot foot bath or an alternate hot and cold foot bath
at bedtime are all time-tested methods. The cold hip bath with the feet in hot water and the
prolonged neutral immersion bath (92 o to 96 o F) at bed time, when one’s nerves are usually
irritable, are also effective measures.
Along with the various measures for the treatment of insomnia, all efforts should be made to
eliminate as many stress factors as possible. The steps in this direction should include regular
practice of any relaxation method or meditation technique, cultivating the art of doing things
slowly (particularly activities like eating, walking and talking) limiting the working day to nine to
ten hours and five and a half days weekly, cultivating a creative hobby and spending some time
daily on this, avoiding working against unrealistic targets and completing one task before starting
In Acupuncture and Acupressure ..these points found useful :GV 20,EX 6, P7, P6, H7,UB62,GB 34

In Ayurveda:     
All the Brihath Trayis (Charaka samhita, Susrutha Samhitha and Ashtanga Samgraha) described Mahisha ksheera(Milk of Buffalo) as the Agryaoushada(Best Medicine) for insomnia.
Main cause of Nidranasa(Loss of sleep) is Vata vriddhi and Alpa nidrata(disturbed or sleeplessness) is pitta vriddhi.So, In short sleeplessness is a Vata paithika condition and hence the treatment should be based to alleviate Vata and pitta. 
The main drug is : Aswagandha( Withania somnifera) if there is involvement of both physical and mental conditions and is found best if insomnia is associated with stress,anxiety, tension etc..

Important Ayurvedic Thaila Yogas (Medicated Oils) and its Indications

Amruthaadi Oil 


Siroroga ( Head ache ) Rakta pita , Vaata rakta Both head and body. 

Aaranaalaadi Oil 


External - Jwaram ( Fever) ,Daaham ( Burning sensation ),Ruk ( Pain)  Both head and body. 



Mukharogas ( Mouth diseases ), Danta rogas ( Tooth diseases ), gums etc. For Gandusha. 

Aarukaalaadi Oil 


Paandu (Anaemia), kaamila. Both head and body. 

Asanamanjishtaadi Co.Oil 


Netrarogam, karnarogam, Providing sleep. Both head and body. 

Asanamanjishtaadi Oil 


Netrarogam, karnarogam. 
providing sleep. Both head and body. 

Asanavilwaadi Co.Oil 


Netrarogas ( eye diseases ), Karnaroga (ear diseases), Siroroga ( Head ache ). Both head and body. 

Asanavilwaadi Oil 


Netrarogas ( eye diseases ), Karnaroga (ear diseases ) ,Siroroga ( Head ache ). Both head and body. 

Asanelaadi Co.Oil 


Twak rogas (Skin diseases), Both head and body. 

Asanelaadi Oil 


Twak rogas (Skin diseases). Both head and body. 

Asanelaadi yamakam 


Twak rogas (Skin diseases). For Body only. 



Kapha predominant disorders, Head ache, Sinusitis, cold and netrarogas. Only for nasya 

Balaadhaathryaadi Oil 


Netrarogas ( eye diseases ), Karnaroga (ear diseases ), Siroroga ( Head ache ), Kshatam, kshayam, Sarvaanga santhaapam ( Burning sensation all over the body ). Burning sensation in Head and Eyes. Almost in all head related diseases. -Both head and body. 

Balaaguloochiaadi Co.Oil 


External -  Rakta vaatam with Daaham ( Burning sensation) ,Ruk ( Pain),sopham( Oedema).  -Both head and body. 

Balaaguloochiaadi Oil 


External- Both head and body. Rakta vaatam with Daaham ( Burning sensation) Ruk ( Pain),sopham( Oedema) 

Balaaguloochiaadi Oil (Spl) 


External - Both head and body. Rakta vaatam with Daaham ( Burning sensation), Ruk ( Pain),sopham(Oedema) 

Balaahadhhaadi Co.Oil 


Siroroga ( Head ache ) - Both head and body. 

Balaahadhhaadi Oil 


Siroroga ( Head ache ) - Both head and body. 

Balaaswagandhaadi Kuzhampu 


Unaamdam(Psychic disorders), Kshayam, Kaasam, swaasam. Only for body. 

Balaathailam (Spl) 


Kaasam, swaasam, jwaram, chardi,moorchaa, gulmam, kshatam, kshayam, Pleeha rogam, sopham, apasmaaram, and almost all types of vata imbalances. -Both head and body & Internal and External 

Balaa Thailam 


Kaasam, swaasam, jwaram, chardi,moorchaa, gulmam, kshatam, kshayam, Pleeha rogam, sopham, apasmaaram, and almost all types of vata imbalances. -Both head and body & Internal and External 

Balaaswagandhaadi Oil 


Unaamdam(Psychic disorders), Kshayam, Kaasam, swaasam. - Both head and body. 

Brungaamalakaadi Co.Oil 


Netrarogas ( eye diseases ) Karnaroga (ear diseases ) Danta rogas. Improves the quality of voice. - Both head and body. 

Brungaamalakaadi Oil 


Netrarogas ( eye diseases ) Karnaroga (ear diseases ) Danta rogas. Improves the Quality of voice. - Both head and body. 

Chandanaadi Oil 


External -  Rakta vaatam, Nethra rogam, Rakta pitam. 

Chemparathyaadi Co.Oil 


Skin diseases, kushta etc.. especially for children. - Both head and body. 

Chinjaadi Kuzhampu 


For almost all types of Vata Disorders (external). Only for the body.

Dhaanwantharam Chelipaakam 


For all types of Vata diseases, Soothika, baala ( Children) Injuries in Marma ( Vital parts) Asti bhanga (Fracture)or such Abhighaataja rogas. Also in the cases of Ksheena(Weakness) Jwara( Fever) Gulmam, Graham ( Planet), Unmaada (Psychic disorders), Mutraaghaatam ,Antravrudhi ( Tumour) Yoni rogam. External use. Only for Nasyam 

Dhaanwantharam Kuzhampu 


For all types of Vata diseases, Soothika, baala ( Children), Injuries in Marma ( Vital parts) Asti bhanga (Fracture)or such Abhighaataja rogas. Also in the cases of Ksheena (Weakness) Jwara( Fever), Gulmam, Graham ( Planet), Unmaada (Psychic disorders), Mutraaghaatam , Antravrudhi ( Tumour) , Yoni rogam. External only. Only for the body. 

Dhaanwantharam Mezhupaakam 


For all types of Vata diseases, Soothika, baala ( Children) Injuries in Marma ( Vital parts) Asti bhanga (Fracture)or such Abhighaataja rogas. Also in the cases of Ksheena (Weakness) Jwara( Fever) Gulmam, Graham ( Planet) Unmaada (Psychic disorders) Mutraaghaatam , Antravrudhi ( Tumour), Yoni rogam. External use. Only for vasti. 

Dhaanwantharam Mukkoott 


For all types of Vata diseases, Soothika, baala ( Children), Injuries in Marma ( Vital parts), Asti bhanga (Fracture)or such Abhighaataja rogas. Also in the cases of Ksheena(Weakness), Jwara( Fever), Gulmam, Graham ( Planet), Unmaada (Psychic disorders), Mutraaghaatam , Antravrudhi ( Tumour), Yoni rogam. 
External only. Only for the body 

Dhaanwantharam Oil 


For all types of Vata diseases, Soothika, baala ( Children) , Injuries in Marma ( Vital parts), Asti bhanga (Fracture)or such Abhighaataja rogas. Also in the cases of Ksheena(Weakness) ,Jwara( Fever), Gulmam, Graham ( Planet) ,Unmaada (Psychic disorders), Mutraaghaatam , Antravrudhi ( Tumour), Yoni rogam. External only. - Both head and body. 

Dhurdhoorapathraadi Co.Oil


Kandu, ( itching ) Kesa chyuti ( Falling of hair ) - Both head and body. 

Dhanwantharam Aavarthy -3 


For almost all types of Vata Disorders ( Both internal and external) -Both head and body & Internal and External 

Dhanwantharam Aavarthy -7 


For almost all types of Vata Disorders ( Both internal and external) -Both head and body & Internal and External. 

Dhanwantharam Aavarthy -14 


For almost all types of Vata Disorders ( Both internal and external) -Both head and body & Internal and External 

Dhanwantharam Aavarthy - 21 


For almost all types of Vata Disorders ( Both internal and external) -Both head and body & Internal and External 

Dhanwantharam Aavarthy – 41 


For almost all types of Vata Disorders ( Both internal and external) -Both head and body & Internal and External 

Dhanwantharam Aavarthy – 101 


For almost all types of Vata Disorders ( Both internal and external) -Both head and body & Internal and External

Dinesavalyaadi Co.Oil 


Twak rogas, kandu, pitaka. Providing the natural colour or complexion to the skin. - Both head and body. 

Dinesavalyaadi Kuzhampu 


Twak rogas, kandu, pitaka. Providing the natural colour or complexion to the skin. Only for the Body.

Doorvaadi Co.Oil 


In almost all types of Vranas ( Wounds ) and Itching. - Both head and body. 

Elaadi Co.Oil 


Twak rogas (Skin diseases ) Visham ( Poison ) Kandu ( itching ) pitaka (boils ) Koddham, Varna prasaadanam ( Improves the Complexion ) Used in Kapha vata vitiated conditions - Both head and body.

Elaadi Oil 


Twak rogas (Skin diseases ) Visham ( Poison ) Kandu ( itching ) pitaka (boils ) Koddham. Varna prasaadanam ( Improves the Complexion ) Used in Kapha vata vitiated conditions - Both head and body

Gandharvahasthaadi Thailam 


Vata disorders, Commonly used as a purgative in vata disorders. Internal use only. 

Gulggulumarichaadi Thailam 


Twak rogas ( Skin diseases ) Kandu (Itching). Used in Kapha vitiated conditions. Only for the body

Gulguluthikthakam Oil 

Indications : 

Vaata roga, Danta rogas ( Tooth diseases ), Pain in teeth, gums etc. - Both head and body

Himasaagara Thailam 


Vaatarogas, Kshatam ( injury ), kshayam, sosham, hanu and manya stambha (stiffness of jaws and neck ), Ksheenam (weakness ) Sarvaanga santhaapam ( Burning sensation all over the body). - Both head and body. 

Jaathyaadi Co.Oil 


In all types of vranas (wounds). - Local application.

Kanjunyaadi Co.Oil 


Netrarogas ( eye diseases ), Sirorujam (head ache), danta ( Teeth), rogas. Prevents greying of hair. - Both head and body. 

Kanjunyaadi Oil 


Netrarogas ( eye diseases ) Siroroga ( Head ache ) danta ( Teeth) rogas . Prevents greying of hair. - Both head and body. 

Karappan Thailam 


In all skin diseases of Children ( Visarpam). - Both head and body. 

Kaarpaasaasthyaadi Chelipaakam 


For almost all types of Vata Disorders Apabaahukam, Pakshaaghaatam, (Hemipleagia), Arditham (Facial paralysis). Only for Nasya 

Kaarpaasaasthyaadi Kuzhampu 


For almost all types of Vata Disorders (external) Apabaahukam, Pakshaaghaatam ,Arditham (Facial paralysis) Only for the Body. 

Kaarpaasaasthyaadi Oil 


For almost all types of Vata Disorders (external) Apabaahukam, Pakshaaghaatam, Arditham(Facial paralysis). - Both head and body. 

Karpoora Thailam 


In almost all types of vata disorders( Pain). Local application. 

Kethakeemoolaadi Kuzhampu 


For almost all types of Vata Disorders (external) especially Asthigatha vatam, Only for the body. 

Kottamchukkaadi Kuzhampu 


Vata disorders with Kapha imbalance, Supthangatha ( Numbness)Sopham ( Oedema ), Muscle cramping. Only for the body. 

Kottamchukkaadi Thailam 


Vata disorders with Kapha imbalance, Supthangatha ( Numbness) Sopham ( Oedema ), Muscle cramping. - Both head and body. 

Ksheerabala Chelipaakam 


For almost all types of Vata Disorders ( Only for Nasya) 

Ksheerabala Oil 


For almost all types of Vata Disorders. - Both head and body. 

Ksheerabala Aavarthi-3 


For almost all types of Vata Disorders ( Both internal and external) -Both head and body & Internal and External 

Ksheerabala Aavarthi- 7 


For almost all types of Vata Disorders ( Both internal and external) -Both head and body & Internal and External 

Ksheerabala Aavarthi- 14 


For almost all types of Vata Disorders ( Both internal and external) -Both head and body & Internal and External 

Ksheerabala Aavarthi- 21 


For almost all types of Vata Disorders ( Both internal and external) -Both head and body & Internal and External 

Ksheerabala Aavarthi- 41 


For almost all types of Vata Disorders ( Both internal and external) -Both head and body & Internal and External 

Ksheerabala Aavarthi- 101 


For almost all types of Vata Disorders ( Both internal and external) -Both head and body & Internal and External
Laakshaadi Co.Oil 


Jwaram, Kshayam, unmaadam, swaasam, apasmaaram and grahapeeda. Especially for pregnant ladies and children. - Both head and body. 

Laakshaadi Kuzhampu 


External Only for body. 
Jwaram, Kshayam, unmaadam ,swaasam, apasmaaram and grahapeeda especially for pregnant ladies and Children . 

Lakshaadi Oil 


External Both head and body. 
Jwaram, Kshayam, unmaadam swaasam, apasmaaram and grahapeeda especially for pregnant ladies .

Mahaamaasha Thailam 


Vata disorders, pakshaaghaatam (partial paralysis ), hanustambham (stiffness of jaws ), ardditam (facial paralysis ), apatantrakam, apabaahukam, viswaachi, hanugraham, sukrakshayam, karnanaadam, karnasoola (pain in ear ). Increases the body weight. Both head and body. 

Manjishtaadi Oil 


Netrarogas ( eye diseases ), Siroroga ( Head ache ). -Both head and body. 



Vata disorders, Abhighaataja rogas ( fractures, Wound or any other external injuries). Local Application. 

Naalpaamaraadi Co.Oil 


Twak rogas ( Skin diseases),Kandu ( Itching ), Visarpa, Kushta. Mainly used in Pitha aggravated conditions. - Both head and body. 

Naalpaamaraadi Kuzhampu 


Twak rogas ( Skin diseases),Kandu ( Itching ), Visarpa, Kushta. Mainly used in Pita aggravated conditions. Only for the body 

Naaraayana Thailam 


All types of vata disorders, Those who are having weak indriya (Perception ) Impotent, pakshhaghaatam, hanustambham (lock jaw ),Galagraham (frozen neck ), khalathi (baldness ), Kateegraham (frozen hip ), gaatrasosham (emaciation), raktakshayam, weakness due to Jwaram, Antravrudhi (hernia ), danta rogam, sirorogam, (Head diseases) parswasoolam(Pain in the sides), panguthwam (limping ), budhihaani (Mentally disabled), grudhrasi (sciatica ). Both head and body. 

Neelibhrungaadi Co.Oil 


Kesyam ( To improve the growth of hair ) -Both head and body. 

Neelibrungaadi Oil 


Kesyam ( To improve the growth of hair ) -Both head and body. 

Nimbaamruthaadi Ca.Oil 

Indications : 

Vaata raktam, twak rogam, gulmam. Both head and body. Also given as a purgative medicine. 

Nirgundyaadi Oil (Spl) 


Apachi (Gandamaala ) Karna rogam and Cold. -Both head and body. 

Nirgundyaadi Co.Oil 


Apachi ,Karna rogam and Cold. Both head and body. 

Nirgundyaadi Oil 


Apachi, Karna rogam and Cold. Both head and body. 

Nisoseeraadi Oil 


Prameham, Pitaka ( Boils ). Both head and body.

Panchasneham Kuzhampu 


All types of vata disorders, pain, Stambha (Stiffness), bhangam (fracture),sosham (emaciation), apabaahukam, Baahustambham (frozen shoulder). Only for the body. 

Panchavalkaadi Kuzhampu 


Kushta ( Skin diseases ) ,Visarpa, Mainly used in Pitha, rakta vitiated conditions . Only for the body… 

Parinathakeriksheeraadi Oil 


Apabaahukam (external). Both head and body.



External(Only for body.) Rakta vaatam with Ruk ( Pain), sopham (Oedema) . 

Pippallyaadi Oil 


Arsas (haemorrhoids). Local application and for vasti. 

Prabhanjanam Thailam 


For almost all types of Vata Disorders with pain. Both head and body. 

Prabhanjanam Kuzhampu 


For almost all types of Vata Disorders with pain. Only for the body. Only for the Body 

Prasaarani Thailam 


In almost all types of vata disorders, especially in Apabaahukam. Both head and body. 

Raasnaadi Oil 


Raktavaatam, raktapitam, cold, arditam (facial paralysis). -Both head and body. 

Raasnaadi Oil Chelipaakam 


Raktavaatam, raktapitam, cold, arditam (facial paralysis). Only for Nasyam 

Raasnaadi Oil Mezhupaakam 


Raktavaatam, raktapitam, cold, arditam (facial paralysis). Only for Vasti.

Sahacharaadi Chelipaakam 


Almost all types of vata vikaaras, Significant effect below the hip joint , cramping of leg and arms. Only for Nasyam 

Sahacharaadi Kuzhampu 


Almost all types of vata vikaaras, Significant effect below the hip joint , cramping of leg and arms. Only for the body 

Sahacharaadi Mezhupaakam 


Almost all types of vata vikaaras, Significant effect below the hip joint , cramping of leg and arms. Only for vasti. 

Sahacharaadi Oil 


Almost all types of vata vikaaras, Significant effect below the hip joint ,cramping of leg and arms. Both head and body. 

Sahacharaadi Gandoosham 


For almost all types of Vata Disorders , Arditam. Only for Gandoosha 

Sahacharaadi Aavarthi - 3 


For almost all types of Vata Disorders ( Both internal and external)  -Both head and body & Internal and External 

Sahacharaadi Aavarthi - 7 


For almost all types of Vata Disorders ( Both internal and external) -Both head and body & Internal and External 

Sahacharaadi Aavarthi - 14 


For almost all types of Vata Disorders ( Both internal and external)  -Both head and body & Internal and External 

Sahacharaadi Aavarthi - 21 


For almost all types of Vata Disorders ( Both internal and external) -Both head and body & Internal and External 

Sahacharaadi Aavarthi - 41 


For almost all types of Vata Disorders ( Both internal and external) -Both head and body & Internal and External 

Sahacharaadi Aavarthi - 101 


For almost all types of Vata Disorders ( Both internal and external) -Both head and body & Internal and External 

Suddhabala Oil 


Almost all types of Vata Disorders. Both head and body.

Thekaraaja Co.Oil 


Swaasa, kaasa. Both head and body. 

Thekaraaja Thailam 


Swaasa, kaasa. Both head and body. 

Tribhalaadi Co.Oil 


Sirorogas (Head ache ) Khalitam ( Baldness) palitam ( Greying of hair ) Bhanjanam (Cracking of hair )Peenasam ( Cold ). -Both head and body. 

Tribhalaadi Oil 


Sirorogas (Head ache ) Khalitam ( Baldness) palitam ( Greying of hair ) Bhanjanam (Cracking of hair )Peenasam ( Cold ). -Both head and body. 

Thungadrumaadi Oil 


Good for head and Eyes. Also in Unmaada diseases ( Psychic disorder ). -Both head and body. 

Vachaalasunaadi Oil 


Karna rogam ( Ear diseases ), Especially in Ear infections. Local application 

Valiya Chandanaadi Oil 


External-Both head and body. Daaham, Sarvaanga santhaapam, moorcha, sirograham, kaamila, addhyavaatam, raktapitham, asrugdaram ( pradaram) Unmaadam and Visarpam. 

Vathasinee Thailam 


Swaasam, kaasam, Ear diseases, All types of vata disorders, Jara ( Ageing), Kleebam ( Impotency ), Asthi bhangam, visphotam, visarpam, and prameha. -Both head and body. 

Vilwampachotiaadi Co.Oil 


Netrarogas ( eye diseases ) Karnaroga (ear diseases ) Siroroga ( Head ache ). -Both head and body. 

Vilwampachotiaadi Oil 


Netrarogas ( eye diseases ) Karnaroga (ear diseases ) Siroroga( Head ache ). -Both head and body.

Important Ghrita Yogas (Medicated Ghee)


Indications : 

Kshata, ksheena, durbala (weak),kaarsya (emaciated), kaasa, hidhma(hiccup) , jwara (fever), swaasa (asthma), daaha (burning sensation), trishnaa (thirst), raktapita, chardi (vomiting), moorcha (fainting), mootarogam(urinary diseases). 

AaragwadhaaMahaathiktakam Ghrutham 


Twak rogas (skin diseases), Switram, Kushtam. 

Brahmi Ghrutham 

Indications : 

Unmaadam(psychic disorder), Kushtam ( skin diseases), Apasmaaram (epilepsy) Increases the memory and intellectual power, 

Dadimaadi Ghrutham 


Paandu, gulmam, agnimaandyam, arsas, vaata rogas, More suitable for pregnant ladies for easy delivery . 

Dhanwantharam Ghrutham 

Indications : 

Prameham (diabetes), Jwaram(fever),Kushtam ( skin diseases),Paandu(anaemia),Gulmam, Vidradhi(abscess), Arsas ( haemorrhoids),Swaasam (asthma),Kaasam (cough),Chardi (vomiting), Sopham (Oedema),Kshayam (TB),Vrudhi, Pleeha rogam,Vaataraktam, Unmaadam (psychic disorder),Apasmaaram (epilepsy) 

Chiruvilwaadi Ghrutham 


Arsas, Kshayam, aruchi, gulmam, soolam, Hidhmam,. 

Dhaathryaadi Ghrutham 


Asrugdaram (excess bleeding), paandu (Anaemia), asthisraavam (white discharge ),raktapitam, unmaadam, madaatyayam. Helps the Garbhaasaya (uterus) for better consumption. 

Grahanyanthakam Ghrutham 

Indications : 

Gulmam, Grahani (I.B.S) Increases the digestive power. 

Gulgguluthikthakam Ghrutham 


Severe Vata disorders, Kushtam, Nadeevranam, Arbudam, Gandamaala, , Urdhagata rogas ( Diseases pertaining to head and associated organs)Gulmam, arsas, prameham, vidradhi, vata raktam.

Indukaantham Ghrutham 

Indications : 

Vaata roga, Kshayam (TB or emaciation ), mahodaram, gulmam, soolam (pain in the abdomen), vishama jwaram ( intermittent fever ) increases the physical strength.(balam) 

Jaathyaadi Ghrutham 


All types of Dushtavrana. External use only 

Jeevanthyaadi Ghrutham 

Indications : 

Timiram (cataract). Also for Tharpanam 

Jeevathyaadi Yamakam 


Cracking of foot, hand. External use 

Kalyaanakam Ghrutham 

Indications : 

Prameham (diabetes), Jwaram(fever),Kushtam ( skin diseases),Paandu(anaemia),Gulmam,Swaasam (asthma), Sopham (Oedema),Kshayam (TB),Unmaadam(psychic disorder),Apasmaaram (epilepsy) especially in the psychic disorder cases, for increasing memory, intellect, aayu, kaanti etc..

Kaaraskara Ghrutham 


Raktavaatam, pain, burning sensation and oedema. 

Mahaakalyaanakam Ghrutham 

Indications : 

Prameham (diabetes), Jwaram(fever),Kushtam ( skin diseases),Paandu(anaemia),Gulmam,Swaasam (asthma), Sopham (Oedema),Kshayam (TB),Unmaadam(psychic disorder),Apasmaaram (epilepsy).especially in the psychic disorder cases, for increasing memory, intellect, aayu, kaanti etc.. 

Mahat Panchagavyam Ghrutham 

Indications : 

Jwaram(fever),Kushtam ( skin diseases), Paandu (anaemia),Gulmam, Arsas ( haemorrhoids), Kaasam (cough), Sopham (Oedema),Kshayam (TB), Unmaadam (psychic disorder),Apasmaaram (epilepsy) Udaram,, bhagantaram and kaamila. 



Vatarogam, Ksheenam (general weakness). 

Mahaathikthakam Ghrutham 


Pitha vikaaras, Kushtam ( skin diseases Due to pita imbalance ), Pitakaa, visarpam,Nadeevranam, Apachi,vidradhi ( abscess ),Gulmam, sopham ( oedema ), unmaadam ( psychic disorders), hrudrogam (Heart disorders),timiram( cataract ),Grahani (irritable bowel syndrome ), kaamila ( jaundice ), apasmaaram (epilepsy ), mahodaram,raktasraavam( bleeding ),Visham (Toxins or Poisonous ),arsas (Haemorrhoids), and raktapitam. 

Mrisraka Sneham 

Used as a Virechana drug.(Purgative) 



Increases the physical and mental strength, Sukravrudhi, Complexion, etc.. Prevents the hair loss,

Panchagavyam Ghrutham 

Indications : 

Unmaadam(psychic disorder), Apasmaaram (epilepsy) Increases the memory and intellectual power, 

Patolaadi Ghrutham 


Netrarogam (eye diseases), naasarogam(Nasal diseases), vidradhi (abscess ), karnarogam (ear diseases),jwaram, dushtavranam (old wounds), visrpam, apachi, kushtam (skin diseases), and eye diseases like timiram, doshaadhyam, ushnavidagdha, amlavidagdha, naktaandhya etc.. 



All types of Garbhaasaya rogas (uterus disorders), Especially in mooddhagarbham, garbhasraavam, miscarriage etc.. 

Pippalyaadi Ghrutham 


Jwaram (Fever in later stages), kshayam(TB), kaasam (Cough), siroruk,Paarswasoola,  sarvaangasantaapam (burning sensation all over the body), vishamaagni (improper digestive fire). 

Raasnaadi Ghrutham 


Vaatarogam, kaasam, sosham. 

Sapthasaaram Ghrutham 


Vid bandham (Constipation), Agni mandyam (Weak digestion) Yoni soola, Hrut soola (Heart pain) Kukshi soolam (Stomach pain) Prshta soolam( Back) Sroni soolam ( Hip). Mahodaram, Ashtteela (Tumour) Gulmam, Pleeha (Spleen disorders) . 

Saaraswatham Ghrutham 

Indications : 

Unmaadam(psychic disorder ), Apasmaaram (epilepsy). Increases the memory and intellectual power. 

Sarvaamayaanthakam Ghrutham 

Indications : 

Aaddyavaatam, hanustambham, greevastambham, jihwaastambham, aakshepakam, pakshaaghaatam,arditam, oorustambham, karastambham, swaasam, vataraktam, yoni soolam, vastisoolam, hrutsoolam,kukshisoolam, paarswasoolam, kanddasoolam, all types of kapha vitiated diseases, 80 vata rogas, 40 pitarogas,also it passifies jwaram,kshayam, kaasam,Unmaadam(psychic disorder), Kushtam ( skin diseases) and Apasmaaram (epilepsy) 

Sathadhautham Ghrutham 


Pitha vitiated condition, Skin diseases, Dushtavranam, burning sensation. 

Sathaavari Ghrutham 

Indications : 

Mutrakruchram, mutradosham, sarkarasmari. 

Shatpalam Ghrutham 


Pleeha rogam, vishamajwaram, agnimaandyam, aruchi, kshayam, kaasam, swaasam. 

Sukumaaram Ghrutham 

Indications : 

Antravrudhi ( hernia), vidradhi ( abscess), gulmam, arsas ( haemorrhoids ), yonirogam ( vaginal diseases ), vaatavyaadhi, sopham ( oedema), mahodaram, pleeha rogam (spleen disorders ), vid bandham ( constipation ). Increases complexion, vitality, physical strength etc, 

Thikthakam Ghrutham 


Pitha vikaaras, Kushtam ( skin diseases Due to pita imbalance ), Pitakaa, visarpam, Nadeevranam, Apachi,vidradhi ( abscess ),Gulmam, sopham ( oedema ), unmaadam ( psychic disorders), hrudrogam (Heart disorders),timiram( cataract ),Grahani (irritable bowel syndrome ), kaamila( jaundice ), apasmaaram (epilepsy ),mahodaram,raktasraavam( bleeding ),Visham (Toxins or Poison),arsas (Haemorrhoids), and raktapitam. 

Thraikandakam Ghrutham 

Indications : 

Mutradosham, prameham, mootrakruchram, vata vikaaras.

Varaahyaadi Ghrutham 

Indications : 

Yoni rogas. Internal or external ( vasti) 

Varanaadi Ghrutham 


Gulmam, andarvidradhi, kapha rogas, medorogas, Sirasoolam. 

Varanaadi Ksheera Ghrutham 


Gulmam, andarvidradhi, kapha rogas, medorogas, Sirasoolam. Only used for Nasaya.. 

Vasthiaamayaanthakam Ghrutham 

Indications : 

Vastirogas, Mutrarogas 

Vidaari Kalyaanakam Ghrutham 


Kaarsyam, gulmam, angamardam, Urdhaswaasam, sosham, hrudrogam, and vatapita diorders. Jwaram(fever),Paandu (anaemia), Sopham (Oedema),Kshayam (TB),Unmaadam,(psychic disorder),Apasmaaram (epilepsy) especially in the psychic disorder cases,Brumhanam (increases body weight)and increasing memory, intellect, aayu, kaanti, Etc 

Vidaariaadi Ghrutham 


Kaarsyam, gulmam, angamardam, Urdhaswaasam, sosham, hrudrogam, and vatapita diorders. Brumhanam (Increases body weight). 

Vidaariaadi Ganam 


Kaarsyam, gulmam, angamardam, Urdhaswaasam, sosham, hrudrogam and vatapita diorders. Brumhanam. ( Increases body weight). 

Vrusha Ghrutham 

Indications : 

Kaasa and swaasa.

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